ISO/TC23/SC19对ISO 24631《动物射频识别》系列标准复审征求意见的通知
1、ISO 24631-1:2017《动物射频识别 第1部分:射频标签符合ISO 11784和ISO 11785的评估(包括制造商代码的发放和使用)》【Radiofrequency identification of animals — Part 1: Evaluation of conformance of RFID transponders with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 (including granting and use of a manufacturer code)】,
2、ISO 24631-2:2017《动物射频识别 第2部分:射频识读器符合ISO 11784 和ISO 11785的评估》(Radiofrequency identification of animals — Part 2: Evaluation of conformance of RFID transceivers with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785),
3、ISO 24631-3:2017《动物射频识别 第3部分:射频标签符合ISO 11784和 ISO 11785的性能评估》(Radiofrequency identification of animals — Part 3: Evaluation of performance of RFID transponders conforming with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785),
4、ISO 24631-4:2017《动物射频识别 第4部分:射频识读器符合ISO 11784 和ISO 11785的性能评估》(Radiofrequency identification of animals — Part 4: Evaluation of performance of RFID transceivers conforming with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785)